
科技与生活 的名言

科技与生活 的名言


1. “Technology has brought us a world of wonders, but it has also made many things impossible.” – Elon Musk

<富奥股份:2023年净利同比增20.55% 拟10派2.5元p>2. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

3. “Innovation is not something that happens once in a while, but rather an ongoing process where new ideas and inventions are constantly being developed.” – Steve Jobs

4. “Technology has brought us many benefits, but it has also caused some negative impacts, such as environmental degradation, social inequality, and economic exploitation.” – The Nature Conservancy

这些名言都强调了科 技与 生活的紧密(mì)联系,以及(jí)科技在带来诸多便利的同时(shí)所带来的负面影响。

未经允许不得转载:神马影视 富奥股份:2023年净利同比增20.55% 拟10派2.5元

